Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Food and exercise diary 12.04.2016

This daily diary has not been, as someone rightly pointed out, very daily.

A few factors have played into my lack of updates. They're not very interesting, but include things like illness, flat and job hunting and - maybe most importantly - a vague lack of progress.

Let's have a look-see....

So I have avoided drinking any alcohol. It hasn't been anything like as much of a problem as I was expecting. There have been a few cravings (red wine, why do you torment me so?!), but really it hasn't been an issue for me.

I've also broadly eaten more healthily. There have been some illness and stress-inspired spectaculars, such as the entire packet of chocolate digestives that I went through in about ninety minutes, or the multiple custard-filled pancakes I cooked up that one time. (There may have been a new sourdough starter put together, which is leading to lots of bread-baking and pancake-making with discarded starter. I highly recommend it!)

I've been much more active than I'd been previously. Although there hasn't been much actual "exercise", I've been out working in the garden for the last week. That's involved moving several tons of rocks, uprooting four or five large bushes and digging out a trench which so far has displaced about 80 cubic feet of solid earth!

I only wish I had a before photo to show the state of this before I started:

So not a total failure of a week, then. But how's the diet going more specifically? Well, that was kind of the point of the food diary. So let's get back to that and make it happen. To everyone who has commented on my lack of updates, whether on the blog or in person or wherever else, thank you. That was the point of the blog: I need the support and the encouragement to help me keep going!

Tuesday 12.04.2016


Sourdough pancake with cream cheese and salmon
Two sourdough pancakes with custard
Two mugs of tea

Two mugs of coffee

Two plates of vegetable risotto
Steamed salmon fillet
Large orange

Bowl of ice cream

Oatcakes with paté and cheddar


Two or three hours of heavy gardening (think sweat dripping off nose and blisters on hands!)

The take-away from yesterday for me is mainly focused on the diet. The really, really big one is simple: I don't think I had even a single glass of water. So that needs fixed today (have had a pint of water already). There was a lack of vegetables and maybe an excess of ice cream/custard. That can also be fixed!


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